7 Best WordPress Development Tools to Utlise in 2023

If you’re a newbie to WordPress development or don’t want to depend on WordPress developers for your next WordPress website project, you don’t need to baffle!

We hired a highly-experienced WordPress development team, tested 30+ free WordPress development tools, and finally, got a handful of “closest to perfect” tools for you.

XAMPP, Dimer, MAMP, Buddy, and phpMyAdmin are all excellent tools to get you started with WordPress development. 

In this article, we’ll discuss which ones you should use. Installation and functionality will always be fuss-free no matter which tool you pick from this list!

Having offered custom WordPress development services to more than 50 clients across the globe, we are proficient in understanding your requirements and will always suggest the best possible solutions. This article covers the 7 best WordPress development tools for you to utlise for your website.

Importance of WordPress: Shocking Facts

Before moving on to the best WordPress development tools, let’s check some shocking facts!

WordPress is not just for blogging; it’s also an exceptionally powerful platform for developers. WordPress is used by over 60 million people and powers almost 27% of websites. It also controls 76.4%of the CMS market

You need WordPress development services that can meet your needs, whether you’re in marketing or an entrepreneur. This will allow you to create a successful website for your company to increase brand value and profit margins. 

A WordPress development company is useful in all industries, including finance, education, and private firms. WP powers 14.7% of the top websites in the world. It’s only natural that others make it their livelihood. WP users are increasing every day, from theme developers to plugins. If you are a WP developer looking to fix your site, you will need specific tools. 

WP tools allow you to modify your plugins and themes without using any code. Your workflow will vary depending on which tool you choose. 

It is important to understand your needs and choose the right tools for you.

Logo Tools Benefits Review (G2)
  • Extremely easy to use and setup
  • Supports all types of operating systems such as Windows and Linux
  • Manages administrative tasks by managing configuration changes


  • Even for inexperienced people, this tool helps you create better documentation
  • Structure your documentation easily with Dimer
  • Ensure the readability of your final document
  • Integrate the document with GitHub to form a readability rule
  • Easily create a server environment on a Mac computer
  • Available in all the server parts from proprietary to the hosting provider
  • Makes server configuration easy and simple
  • Install all the cool features in one click of a button

(49 Reviews)

  • Easily migrate the WordPress website to a different host
  • Take backups manually
  • Cut down time required for website migration, duplication, and backups



(55 Reviews)

  • Helps in developing UI components in isolation.
  • Provides a visual UI testing environment.
  • Enables documentation and collaboration between developers and designers.
  • Supports multiple front-end frameworks and libraries.
  • User-friendly interface with intuitive design tools.
  • Allows for easy collaboration and sharing of design files.
  • Offers a wide range of plugins and integrations to enhance functionality.
  • Enables designers to create high-fidelity prototypes and design systems.

(1180 Reviews)

  • Highly customizable with a wide range of plugins and themes.
  • Offers a user-friendly interface with intuitive features.
  • Provides a range of useful built-in features, including Git integration and multiple panes.
  • Supports multiple programming languages, making it a versatile tool for developers.

(750 Reviews)


Here comes the king of all best WordPress development tools.

If you want to learn more about developing WordPress, you should download XAMPP, which stands for Apache, MySQL, PHP, and Perl. You can choose the version that best suits your computer and operating system. 

To install WordPress, you must first set up the software stack. This includes downloading the latest version of the CMS, unpacking it, configuring a few files, and mapping the new site to a domain. XAMPP can make the whole process easier. The XAMPP installation wizard allows you to set up the software stack in your local machine with no installation hassle. Once installed, you can use the XAMPP WordPress development tools.

XAMPP WordPress development tools provide a great environment for running WordPress. You can test new plugins without interrupting your live site. You can also test your current website’s configuration without losing your visitors. To avoid any interruptions to the live site, you can upload backup files or create a mirror site with your live content. You can also install WordPress locally on XAMPP to test changes before publishing them on your live site.


  • Includes HTTP server, relational databases system, and common server-based interpolators.
  • Available for all operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and mac.
  • You can choose from different versions that provide the relevant features.
  • Easy to install WordPress on XAMPP. You can then develop and test as much as you like.
  • Supports cross-platform use.
  • Possible use of the dashboard tool to manage your services.

2). Dimer

If you’re looking for a WordPress development tool, Dimer might be right for you. It can be called the best WordPress development tool in terms of features. This tool is especially useful if you’d like to write better documentation and ensure that it is easy to read by the intended audience. 

It offers features such as a minimalistic document layout and compiler errors for missing key components. Users can even collaborate on their projects with Dimer’s integrated GitHub account. Moreover, it supports parallel tasks for multiple projects and servers.

This WordPress development tool provides users with the necessary tools for building websites. It supports PHP, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It is based on multi-core processing, so you don’t need to install software whenever you want to create a website. 

It also maps domains to local websites, so you can copy or delete websites with a single click. It even integrates with GitHub and provides support for multiple languages.

As the number of WordPress tools increases, their capabilities expand, ranging from standalone IDEs to browser plugins. Moreover, several small design resources are available for WordPress developers.  

Features of Dimer

  • The dimer is currently Beta. This means you can still enjoy the Pro features at no cost while it is being developed.
  • Organize your documentation more efficiently by creating sections after each h2 tag.
  • Compiler errors can also occur when components are not present.
  • Offers the ability to choose font families that will ensure the readability of your final document.
  • You can also integrate with GitHub to create rules for publishing documents following every merge, commit, and release.
  • Developers who don’t like writing will find the reminders and limitations helpful. They can also help you make your knowledge more useful while providing clear documentation for the users.


3). MAMP/ MAMP Pro

MAMP installs all the necessary software to run your local WordPress website. It is compatible with Windows and macOS. You can purchase MAMP PRO for extra features. 

It lets you set up separate hosting environments for each web project, which is helpful if you need to create separate versions of your website. You can also import existing WordPress sites from live servers and publish your project directly to the server.

MAMP will allow you to test the code on the same server as the production website. It is highly recommended that you test your website on a development server before installing it on your production server. It is also worth mentioning that the MAMP tool is free. In addition, it is easy to install.

You can choose from free or paid versions of this local-server environment for macOS. It is also available for Windows users, but Mac users are most likely to benefit.

Features of MAMP 

  • MAMP provides all you need to run WordPress on your desktop computers for testing and development purposes
  • Allows you to create snapshots.
  • Benefit from the vastly improved editor.
  • Works with the new Redis server
  • You can use the new hierarchical host list.

4). Duplicator

Duplicator has over 15,000,000 users. It allows you to quickly backup your WordPress site. This tool’s basic version is free. 

Duplicator is a free application that can create a localhost copy of your website and duplicate functionality like the staging area. Users can also use Duplicator during the deployment process to test changes. In addition to creating a localhost copy of your site, it can also create a database backup and perform updates. You can install Duplicator on your server by downloading the installation file and using a web browser to start the installation process. Once you have uploaded the files, you can simply run the three-step configuration wizard to extract the files and create a new database. You can even install Duplicator on multiple sites.

 It also allows you to test and validate sites locally. You can also develop locally and push to a production server to release/update sites or to just demonstrate a site.   

It’s possible to backup files and the database with the basic free version. It also includes directory filters, database filters, migration wizards, and database table filters.   

You can purchase the paid version of this plugin at three pricing levels: 

  • Personal license for $39
  •  Freelancer license for $79 (allows you to use the plugin on 15 websites)
  • Business license for $119 ( allows unlimited use. Premium plugins include more features like scheduled backups, cloud storage, and email alerts).

Features of Duplicator

  • It allows users to move and clone sites for validation or testing and push them up to a server to demonstrate their work.
  • You get many other features, such as backup, cloning, and storage.
  • It can easily handle serialized, and base64 serialized substitutes.
  • It is user-friendly.
  • Maintenance and upkeep are easy.
  • Notifies you by email about the required actions

5). Storybook

Storybook is an open-source UI components development tool that allows you to design in an isolated environment. It is a popular tool for creating UI components in React, Angular, and Vue. Many large companies, such as Airbnb and Dropbox, use it to quickly create documented UIs.

There are some tremendous benefits to using Storybook for WordPress web development. It offers easy collaboration and peer-reviewing of content. If you’re planning to use React as your development framework, Storybook may be the best tool. The free version of Storybook is sufficient for small-scale web projects. It also comes with a handful of add-ons that you can use in combination with it.

The plugin offers a learning environment that lets you create UI components from scratch using Angular, Vue, and React. Storybook is extremely easy to use, and even a beginner can build a working task box in less than two hours. Advanced users can complete the entire Storybook tutorial in half an hour or less. In addition, the premium version includes many useful features. It is recommended for developers who want to learn the latest WP features.

Features of Storybook

  • Streamlines your work.
  • Provides several add-ons that allow for faster development of UI components.
  • Provides isolation for your components.
  • Offers a simple and quick user interface
  •  Can be expanded as necessary.
  • Works with any app (Redux or Relay, Meteor, etc.).

6). Sketch

Sketch was initially developed keeping in mind website design. It was able to accommodate the needs of UI development as well as other types of design work. It is a powerful tool in the design field. It is easy to use and has many features.

If you’re looking for a unique WordPress website design that will stand out from the rest, Sketch could be a great option. 

Sketch is a paid design tool that enables UI designers to create high-quality designs. Moreover, it allows you to invite unlimited viewers to your workspace, which is great for visualizing your website.

However, there are some limitations with Sketch. To make a simple site with limited functionalities, you better use an HTML or CSS editor.

Sketch has several features that make it an ideal choice for web development, and it is easy to translate them into WordPress code. 

Features of Sketch

  • You can also create responsive designs that fit your content with smart layouts and variable fonts.
  • It facilitates team collaboration by allowing them to share prototypes and design ideas on one platform.
  • Stable and virtually bug-free.
  • Comes preloaded with screen templates.
  • Generally less expensive than Adobe Creative Cloud.

7). Atom

The Atom WordPress development tool is a cross-platform editor that works on Windows, macOS, and Linux. It is free and maintained by a community of developers. 

To install packages, you can use the Atom Package Manager. This package comes with a command-line tool called APM. This syntax is based on CSS selectors. 

To install a package, type APM package-name and click ‘install.’ Once installed, you can view the resulting HTML. This way, you can edit the HTML code without sacrificing readability. The syntax is similar to that of HTML, making it easy to use.

Atom’s open-source design and community have contributed to developing several WordPress-specific packages. While you can download Atom for free, you may find the software a bit difficult to learn and use, particularly if you’re not a developer.  

Features of Atom

  • Allows users to add extensions to extend its functionality and style. 
  • You can customize your editor with themes and plugins created by the community. 
  • Atom’s active community is one of its biggest assets. It offers a large repository of themes and plugins.
  •  Atom is free and works well on all platforms. 
  • Offers numerous features and packages that allow you to extend its core functionality and add your own. 

FAQ For the Best WordPress Development Tool

Which Are the Best Localhosts for WordPress?

The five best local hosts for WordPress are:

  • MAMP.
  • XAMPP.
  • DesktopServer.
  • WampServer.
  • Duplicator.

Which Is Better Among Mamp and XAMPP 

MAMP doesn’t offer separate installers that work with WordPress and is also less flexible than XAMPP.       

 Is MAMP Good?

MAMP is a great tool for working on basic web-based projects. But, it has its limitations and bugs. 

 How Is MAMP Pro Better Than MAMP?  

The primary benefit of MAMP Pro is that it makes it easier to create virtual host servers. It is unnecessary to modify the host file, which is an obscure system file. Also, you don’t need to create a Virtual Host in the Apache configuration file.     


These are the most important WP tools you can use to increase efficiency. These tools, along with many others, allow you to easily modify your website and make it more manageable. You need to determine what best suits your business goals and expertise.

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